Room Parents
Serving as a Room Parent is both fun and rewarding and is something that will make your child proud. A Room Parent is a very important part of our Clear Sky community and provides volunteer services to a teacher’s classroom and the Clear Sky PTO. A Room Parent should enlist the help of other parents and be able to delegate these responsibilities. The teacher will tell you of their specific needs and determine exactly what type of assistance is needed.
Typically, Room Parents help coordinate class parties, special events, parent volunteers in the classroom, and maintain a positive attitude among the parents in your room. While a Room Parent’s main responsibility is to the teacher and class, the PTO does ask for your help to further communicate with our parents throughout the year. It is the Room Parent’s responsibility to communicate with the classroom parents and keep them informed. Every child’s family should be given the opportunity to be involved in their child’s classroom and school.
The time involved for being a Room Parent can vary from class to class, but on average it shouldn’t be more than 10 minutes a week. Being a Room Parent can be an easy way to become involved in your child’s classroom without over-committing. If this is a role you’re interested in, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions about what a Room Parent entails, please contact our PTO Room Parents Coordinator. Thank you in advance for your consideration!
Typically, Room Parents help coordinate class parties, special events, parent volunteers in the classroom, and maintain a positive attitude among the parents in your room. While a Room Parent’s main responsibility is to the teacher and class, the PTO does ask for your help to further communicate with our parents throughout the year. It is the Room Parent’s responsibility to communicate with the classroom parents and keep them informed. Every child’s family should be given the opportunity to be involved in their child’s classroom and school.
The time involved for being a Room Parent can vary from class to class, but on average it shouldn’t be more than 10 minutes a week. Being a Room Parent can be an easy way to become involved in your child’s classroom without over-committing. If this is a role you’re interested in, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions about what a Room Parent entails, please contact our PTO Room Parents Coordinator. Thank you in advance for your consideration!