Secret Messenger PRogram
We are excited to kick off our 2015-2016 Secret Messenger program. Designed for our classroom teachers, specialists, support staff, intervention staff, administrators, office staff, and educational assistants, the Secret Messenger program provides an opportunity to recognize our incredible teachers and staff with random acts of kindness (RAKs). A 100% voluntary and "secret" program, it begins in September and runs throughout the school year, so you can sign up any time. You can give once or as many times as you wish during your specified period of time. These are to be small tokens of thanks to show our appreciation. (It does not need to be extravagant! A homemade cookie or a drawing from your child is much appreciated.) You can leave items in the staff mailboxes in the office, or you can get creative and find other ways to deliver these little surprises.
If you would like to participate, sign up for a specific teacher, administrator, or group of staff members. (Don't forget our other staff needs some appreciation too!) When you have picked your teachers/staff and specific time periods, return to this page to see their "My Favorite Things" list. When you have completed your RAKs, please enter these items in the journals below (for teachers and administrators only). (If you cannot enter RAKs from your desktop or laptop computer, please use the trouble link below.)
All primary and intermediate teachers and classroom-specific educational assistants are listed individually on the sign-up form. To see their "My Favorite Things" list, find your teacher and click Favorites. After you have completed your RAKs, please post your acts in the Journal so that the next person does not repeat gifts.
Anderegg, Christy | 4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Aversa, Chiara | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
Bostelman, Melissa | Kindergarten EA | Favorites | Journal
Brunell, Tara | 1st grade | Favorites | Journal
Coleman, Amy | 6th grade | Favorites | Journal
Davis, Leslie | Kindergarten | Favorites | Journal
Delcher, Janeen | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
DeNardo, Robin | Kindergarten | Favorites | Journal
Henn, Tracy | 2nd grade | Favorites | Journal
Hess-Tilton, Jane | 6th grade | Favorites | Journal
Johnson, Jennifer | 2nd grade | Favorites | Journal
Johnston, Kim | Kindergarten EA | Favorites | Journal
Jones, Katie | Kindergarten | Favorites | Journal
Kelsall, Angie | 4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Key, Kelly | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
Kiyan, Caroline | Kindergarten EA | Favorites | Journal
Klein, Kris | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
McKenzie, Lonnie | 3rd/4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Morgan, Maria | 2nd grade | Favorites | Journal
Nelson, Kinla | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Provo, Bill | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
Prudhomme, Kelly | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Rankin, Jennifer | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Rengers, Colleen | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
Rosenblatt, Nicole | 6th grade | Favorites | Journal
Schneider, Julie | 4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Shefsick, Amanda | 1st grade | Favorites | Journal
Sweeney, Tina | 1st grade | Favorites | Journal
Taylor, Wendy | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Ullrich, Lea | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Woodbury, Rachel | 1st/2nd grade | Favorites | Journal
Yoshioka, Shannon | 1st grade | Favorites | Journal
Zivojinovic, Tori | 4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Zukowski, Lynese | 6th grade | Favorites | Journal
Our administrators are listed individually on the sign-up form. To see their "My Favorite Things" list, find the administrator and click Favorites. After you have completed your RAKs, please post your acts in the Journal so that the next person does not repeat gifts.
Berry, Katie | Assistant Principal | Favorites | Journal
Herman, Kim | PLS | Favorites | Journal
Roe, Kellie | Principal | Favorites | Journal
The specialists are grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., donuts). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Dome, Beth | Music | Favorites
Goodwill, Shannon | Art | Favorites
Jensen, Jennifer | Technology | Favorites
Kranse, Carolynn | Library | Favorites
McGarva, William | PE Plus/Movement | Favorites
Montagriff, Kristi | PE | Favorites
Wheelus, Stacy | Health | Favorites
Mikaela Baxter | Technology Skills | Favorites
Office Staff, EAs & Bistro Staff
The office staff, EAs, and Bistro staff are grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., donuts). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Baker, Jennifer | Bistro | Favorites
Boltz, Theresa | Bistro Manager | Favorites
Bradley, Mischa | Bistro | Favorites
Gonzales-Dittenber, Heather | Lunch EA | Favorites
Kiyan, Erin | Administrative Assistant | Favorites
Lara, Kelli | Educational Assistant | Favorites
McBee, Fran | Lunch EA | Favorites
Nelson, Dawn | Educational Assistant | Favorites
Oili, Kanoi | Office Clerk/Health Assistant | Favorites
Pham-Barger, Linh | Lunch EA | Favorites
Smith, Tammy | Lunch EA | Favorites
Snider, Susan | Registrar | Favorites
Strong, Bryan | Building Engineer | Favorites
Woodward, Lani | Bistro | Favorites
Officer West | Campus Security | Favorites
Intervention Teachers
The intervention teachers are grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., muffins). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Anttila, Jan | Gifted & Talented Specialist | Favorites
Cash, Susan | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Distler, Jennifer | Psychologist | Favorites
Green, Aurora | ELL | Favorites
Hensel, Christine | Occupational Therapist | Favorites
House, Caitlin | Reading Recovery | Favorites
Jabaay-Abbott, Julie | Speech/Language Pathologist | Favorites
Jojola, Christine | Reading Recovery | Favorites
Koy, Eileen | RtI Interventionist | Favorites
Mercer, Marilyn | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Pitman, Pam | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Reid, Cindi | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Sabus, Dana | RtI Interventionist | Favorites
Sawaged, Abeer | ELL | Favorites
Schmitz, Francie | OT Assistant | Favorites
Tracy, Jean | Reading Recovery | Favorites
Zischke, Scott | Speech/Language Pathologist | Favorites
SSN Department
The SSN Department is grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., bagels). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Beggs, Christina | Favorites
Burkes, Brenna | Favorites
Haley, Audrey | Favorites
Peterson, Greg | Favorites
Reading, Susan | Favorites
Reed, Teresa | Favorites
Schmitt, Sue | Favorites
Watling, Allison | Favorites
Preschool Staff
The preschool staff is grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., donuts). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Bracken, Amy | Speech | Favorites
Richter, Laurie | Occupational Therapist | Favorites
Roberts, Gracie | Teacher | Favorites
Schroeder, Cori | Learning Specialist EA | Favorites
Walker, Kristen | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Are you having trouble entering your RAKs in the journal? Click here.
All primary and intermediate teachers and classroom-specific educational assistants are listed individually on the sign-up form. To see their "My Favorite Things" list, find your teacher and click Favorites. After you have completed your RAKs, please post your acts in the Journal so that the next person does not repeat gifts.
Anderegg, Christy | 4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Aversa, Chiara | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
Bostelman, Melissa | Kindergarten EA | Favorites | Journal
Brunell, Tara | 1st grade | Favorites | Journal
Coleman, Amy | 6th grade | Favorites | Journal
Davis, Leslie | Kindergarten | Favorites | Journal
Delcher, Janeen | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
DeNardo, Robin | Kindergarten | Favorites | Journal
Henn, Tracy | 2nd grade | Favorites | Journal
Hess-Tilton, Jane | 6th grade | Favorites | Journal
Johnson, Jennifer | 2nd grade | Favorites | Journal
Johnston, Kim | Kindergarten EA | Favorites | Journal
Jones, Katie | Kindergarten | Favorites | Journal
Kelsall, Angie | 4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Key, Kelly | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
Kiyan, Caroline | Kindergarten EA | Favorites | Journal
Klein, Kris | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
McKenzie, Lonnie | 3rd/4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Morgan, Maria | 2nd grade | Favorites | Journal
Nelson, Kinla | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Provo, Bill | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
Prudhomme, Kelly | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Rankin, Jennifer | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Rengers, Colleen | 3rd grade | Favorites | Journal
Rosenblatt, Nicole | 6th grade | Favorites | Journal
Schneider, Julie | 4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Shefsick, Amanda | 1st grade | Favorites | Journal
Sweeney, Tina | 1st grade | Favorites | Journal
Taylor, Wendy | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Ullrich, Lea | 5th grade | Favorites | Journal
Woodbury, Rachel | 1st/2nd grade | Favorites | Journal
Yoshioka, Shannon | 1st grade | Favorites | Journal
Zivojinovic, Tori | 4th grade | Favorites | Journal
Zukowski, Lynese | 6th grade | Favorites | Journal
Our administrators are listed individually on the sign-up form. To see their "My Favorite Things" list, find the administrator and click Favorites. After you have completed your RAKs, please post your acts in the Journal so that the next person does not repeat gifts.
Berry, Katie | Assistant Principal | Favorites | Journal
Herman, Kim | PLS | Favorites | Journal
Roe, Kellie | Principal | Favorites | Journal
The specialists are grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., donuts). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Dome, Beth | Music | Favorites
Goodwill, Shannon | Art | Favorites
Jensen, Jennifer | Technology | Favorites
Kranse, Carolynn | Library | Favorites
McGarva, William | PE Plus/Movement | Favorites
Montagriff, Kristi | PE | Favorites
Wheelus, Stacy | Health | Favorites
Mikaela Baxter | Technology Skills | Favorites
Office Staff, EAs & Bistro Staff
The office staff, EAs, and Bistro staff are grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., donuts). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Baker, Jennifer | Bistro | Favorites
Boltz, Theresa | Bistro Manager | Favorites
Bradley, Mischa | Bistro | Favorites
Gonzales-Dittenber, Heather | Lunch EA | Favorites
Kiyan, Erin | Administrative Assistant | Favorites
Lara, Kelli | Educational Assistant | Favorites
McBee, Fran | Lunch EA | Favorites
Nelson, Dawn | Educational Assistant | Favorites
Oili, Kanoi | Office Clerk/Health Assistant | Favorites
Pham-Barger, Linh | Lunch EA | Favorites
Smith, Tammy | Lunch EA | Favorites
Snider, Susan | Registrar | Favorites
Strong, Bryan | Building Engineer | Favorites
Woodward, Lani | Bistro | Favorites
Officer West | Campus Security | Favorites
Intervention Teachers
The intervention teachers are grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., muffins). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Anttila, Jan | Gifted & Talented Specialist | Favorites
Cash, Susan | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Distler, Jennifer | Psychologist | Favorites
Green, Aurora | ELL | Favorites
Hensel, Christine | Occupational Therapist | Favorites
House, Caitlin | Reading Recovery | Favorites
Jabaay-Abbott, Julie | Speech/Language Pathologist | Favorites
Jojola, Christine | Reading Recovery | Favorites
Koy, Eileen | RtI Interventionist | Favorites
Mercer, Marilyn | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Pitman, Pam | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Reid, Cindi | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Sabus, Dana | RtI Interventionist | Favorites
Sawaged, Abeer | ELL | Favorites
Schmitz, Francie | OT Assistant | Favorites
Tracy, Jean | Reading Recovery | Favorites
Zischke, Scott | Speech/Language Pathologist | Favorites
SSN Department
The SSN Department is grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., bagels). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Beggs, Christina | Favorites
Burkes, Brenna | Favorites
Haley, Audrey | Favorites
Peterson, Greg | Favorites
Reading, Susan | Favorites
Reed, Teresa | Favorites
Schmitt, Sue | Favorites
Watling, Allison | Favorites
Preschool Staff
The preschool staff is grouped together as one sign up for a specific item (e.g., donuts). If you'd like to do individual gifts, find the staff member and click Favorites for ideas.
Bracken, Amy | Speech | Favorites
Richter, Laurie | Occupational Therapist | Favorites
Roberts, Gracie | Teacher | Favorites
Schroeder, Cori | Learning Specialist EA | Favorites
Walker, Kristen | Learning Specialist | Favorites
Are you having trouble entering your RAKs in the journal? Click here.