Thank you everyone for supporting your CSE PTO!! We appreciate all you have done this year ~ Please have a safe and happy summer! See you in the Fall... We already have some fun events planned and can't wait for all the fun! Don't forget about your King Soopers & AFW rewards count all year long... Link your rewards account to Clear Sky Elementary with these steps and each time you shop we get credit!
-Go to -Login or create an account -Once logged in, go to Menu, then rewards, then click on COMMUNITY REWARDS and search for Clear Sky Elementary by name or enter the code PH868 and then click Enroll. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Three-day Writing Camp at CSE
Jun 22, 23, and 24 10:00 AM – Jun 24, 12:00 PM Grades: K - 6th We will provide the opportunity to work on storytelling, idea generation, writing, and publishing a story Instructors-Christine Jojola and Dawn Miller Register at CSE Online Silent Auction - Bidding ENDS FRIDAY at 9PM
Families here is one last opportunity for this year. We are raising money to help the school repair or replace the classroom lightspeed systems, this is a big expense and we want to help the school as much as we can. The lightspeed systems are set up in all the classrooms to help amplify the teachers voice for all students to hear clearly. We are fortunate enough to have been able to add some items along with the parking spots for next year. Please make sure to fill out the information so we have the details for all winning bidders. Auction will end this Friday May 21st at 9pm. Make sure to get your bids in. Winning bidders will be notified on Saturday and we will make arrangements for payment and for you to receive your items on the 24th or 25th. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions. King Soopers
Did you know that the monies raised from PTO fundraisers helps our amazing teachers and administrators with grant requests?? Tools which DIRECTLY help your kiddo(s) and enhances their daily activities and learning! How awesome is that! SO AWESOME! Want an easy no cost way that YOU can help? King Soopers wants to help too. Link your rewards account to Clear Sky Elementary with these steps and each time you shop we get credit! -Go to -Login or create an account -Once logged in, go to Menu, click on rewards, then COMMUNITY REWARDS and search for Clear Sky Elementary by name or enter the code PH868 and then click Enroll. Please contact [email protected] with any questions. PTO NEWS & NOTES Bounce Houses - Monday, May 24th - Each class will get a chance to enjoy the Bounce Houses! Kona Ice - Tuesday, May 25th - Thank you Teachers, Staff, Students, & Parents for a great year! Enjoy your Summer! TEACHER APPRECIATION ~ A Big Thank You to everyone who helped show our Teachers and Staff how much we love and appreciate everything they do!
Silent Auction ~ Be on the lookout for the upcoming silent auction. We will be auctioning off the parking spots for next school year as well as some basket items that we have. This years auction will be fully online. King Soopers
Did you know that the monies raised from PTO fundraisers helps our amazing teachers and administrators with grant requests?? Tools which DIRECTLY help your kiddo(s) and enhances their daily activities and learning! How awesome is that! SO AWESOME! Want an easy no cost way that YOU can help? King Soopers wants to help too. Link your rewards account to Clear Sky Elementary with these steps and each time you shop we get credit! -Go to -Login or create an account -Once logged in, go to menu, click on Rewards, then COMMUNITY REWARDS and search for Clear Sky Elementary by name or enter the code PH868 and then click Enroll. Please contact [email protected] with any questions. |
This blog is designed to keep Clear Sky Elementary parents and teachers up-to-date on all PTO activities.